Detective Luis Lopez Fitzgerald  took another sip of his coffee and studied the family photo in his hands that usually was displayed on his living room mantle. He liked to look at the picture often because it reminded him of when his family was safe and whole. It was an old picture , taken when he was child. His father Martin stood proudly in the middle as his mother Pilar happily stood by their side, pregnant with his youngest sister Paloma. Flanking his parents were himself, his older brother Antonio, his brother Miguel and his sister Theresa. He wondered how it all went wrong. It was just him and Miguel now and he hated the fact that his family was now scattered. His brother Antonio ran off so many years ago and was never heard from again. His sister Paloma never really forgave the family for giving her to an aunt to raise and hardly ever called. Then there was their mother. Pilar had spent practically her whole life in Harmony it was her home, where she wanted to spend the rest of her days, but that didn't happen. Years after his father had left a man showed up claiming to be Martin. Luis was skeptical of the man and wanted nothing to do with him, but Pilar, Miguel and Theresa instantly took him in.

Although Luis hated the idea of Martin being back he eventually proved to be a good father and husband and tried to make amends for everything he did. Of course he also turned out to be an impostor hired by the Cranes to cover up his father's murder. Luis still became angry when he thought of what Julian and Alistare Crane did and how he failed to prove their involvement in his father's death. The man claiming to be Martin Fitzgerald died before he could testify and without proof all of the charges were dropped. His mother, devastated by losing both Martins left town. Luis had promised after that happened that he would keep what was left of  his family together but he had failed. Theresa, who he had always tried so hard to protect finally got tired of Harmony and left without so much as a good-bye. That hurt him more then he could say, but he wasn't too surprised. He and Theresa hadn't gotten along ever since she got involved with that bastard Ethan Crane. Thank God that Theresa had gotten away from that guy and had built a life elsewhere. It was almost worth not having Theresa in his life to know that Theresa was not anywhere near Ethan Crane.

His train of thought was interrupted when his wife Sheridan Crane-Lopez Fitzgerald waddled in. She was nine months pregnant, but she still insisted on doing everything herself. Luis wanted to object, he wanted her to stay home and just be pregnant. Of course a woman like Sheridan would never stand for those "neandrathal" ideas and after a week on the couch, and  what felt like the longest silence ever, Luis never, ever said anything that foolish again. Sheridan smiled and sat next to him. It was so hard to believe that she was a Crane. How could he love someone so much that was a member of a family that he despised.? Then again Sheridan was nothing like her family.

"Looking at the picture again?" asked Sheridan rubbing his head.
"Yeah," said Luis moving to put it back on the mantle. "I just uh, well its momma's birthday and I was just wondering how she was."
Sheridan took a deep breathe and tried to swallow her guilt. Growing up Pilar had been like a second mother to her. But when the truth about Martin's death came out Pilar turned against the Cranes including her and Ethan. She was furious for Luis for marrying her. And having to choose between his mother and her Luis chose her. She loved him more then she could say for that. But she knew that it took his toll on him.
"I just really miss them," he said wistfully.
"I know," said Sheridan hugging him from behind and kissing his back. "I know.

Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald took a deep breathe and prepared to ring the door bell. She couldn't believe how nervous she was. It had been years since she had seen Luis, Not since she left town in fear that her pregnancy would be discovered. Luis was so hurt when he found out that Theresa had two children by a man he never even meet. He was suspicious at first but he later believed her tale about her mysterious love and was just glad that she was happy.
"Momma this Uncle Luis house," asked Elijah playing with his collar.
"Yes," smiled Theresa fixing her sons collar. She looked at both her boys and couldn't help filling up with pride. They were so wonderful she only wished that Ethan could...
"Don't go there Theresa. No use wishing for what you can't have."
"Want to go in now,"  said Joshua stomping his feet.
Theresa gave Joshua a stern look. He was a willful child and somewhat impatient. Always demanding things. Theresa attributed that to the Crane blood flowing in his veins. She just hoped that he didn't inherit another of the Crane's bad attributes.
"We are going in now sweetie," said Theresa. "And what did mommie say about demanding things?"
"I should be good and not be rude," said Joshua suddenly looking sad. "I'm sorry mommie Joshua good boy."
"Yes you are," said Theresa hugging her son.
"We go in now I'm cold." Said Joshua when Theresa broke the hug.
Theresa just smirked at him and looked at the door. "Yeah baby we go in."

Luis and Sheridan turned around in surprise when the door bell rang.
"Are you expecting anybody? Asked Luis
"No," I wonder who it could be? Said Sheridan heading to the door. Sheridan opened the door and couldn't be more surprised if it was her mother's ghost coming back to haunt her.
"Theresa," she screamed in excitement throwing her arms around Theresa. "I can't believe its you."
Luis jumped up at the mention of Theresa and practically ran to the door.
Theresa froze when she saw Luis. They stared at each other for a moment then he stared at the boys. Theresa held her breathe and waited.
"Welcome home little sister," Luis said finally giving Theresa a big hug.
"Its good to be home," said Theresa happy to be in her brother's arms agian. "It's good to be home.

Ethan Crane looked at his watch for the third time and let out an impatient sigh. "Where the hell was Gwen" he thought. They were suppose to have left an hour ago. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and told himself to stop over reacting. He had been in a bad mood for the last few days and he knew why. It was being in Harmony again. It brought back to many memories of Theresa. Everywhere he looked. Everywhere he went there was something that reminded him of the life that he had lost and desperately wanted again. Why did he let Gwen talk him into coming back to Harmony anyway? They had been so happy in Europe. True Ethan never felt the kind of happiness with Gwen that he felt with Theresa, but it was a happiness all the same. He was finally making peace with his past and now he felt like he was at square one. He walked over to the fireplace and noticed the marshmallows sitting at the corner of  a mat that was sprawled out in front. He couldn't imagine who was roasting marshmallows. It must have been their new housekeepers children. Ethan's mother Ivy had been very good about letting the children come to the house. They liked it there. Ethan felt that it made Ivy less lonely to have children in the house. Ethan loved his mother dearly, but he had noticed how depressed she had become the past years and how much she regretted not being a better mother to his brother and sisters. Ethan picked up a marshmallow and instantly flashed back to another time when he was holding marshmallows a time not to long ago when all his joy and pain where just beginning....

Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald walked into the Crane living room. She had just finished all the work that she had do for Ivy and was hoping to catch a glimpse of Ethan before she left. She and the young Crane heir had become really good friends lately. Of course, the fact that Theresa was in love with him and had always been in love with him, made their friendship all the more special to her. She got her wish to she saw Ethan by the fire place.

"What are you doing Ethan?" asked Theresa walking towards him.
"I'm toasting marshmallows. I told you I was the best marshmallow toaster in all the land remember." he said smiling up at her.
"Oh yeah you were delusion at the time right, because everybody knows that I am the best marshmallow toaster in all the land," smiled Theresa enjoying seeing Ethan like this. All her life Theresa had been told to forget about Ethan ever loving her because he was a Crane and was to important. But looking at Ethan become so giddy about marshmallows she knew that he was just a regular guy.
"Oh talk is cheap," said Ethan placing a marshmallow on a stick and handing ot to Theresa. "Prove your roasting skills."
Theresa smiled and sat next Ethan.
"Ok, if you want to be embarrassed I'll be happy to oblige you," smiled Theresa taking the stick and putting in the fire. The two roasted their marshmallows and Ethan couldn't help but notice how beautiful Theresa looked sitting next to the fire. He shook the thought off though and concentrated on the fire. "You love Gwen remember. You and Theresa could never be more then friends."
"Ok," said Theresa pulling Ethan out of his thoughts with her words. "Its marshmallow tasting time.
"Good," smiled Ethan "prepared to lose." Said Ethan lifting the marshmallow to hg is mouth.
"wait you can't eat your own marshmallow," said Theresa grabbing at his stick.
"Why not?" asked Ethan
"Because it wouldn't be fair obviously you'll say that your marshmallow is the best because you're eating it.," replied Theresa.
"Well you do have a point there. Let's say we  feed each other and then we feed ourselves," said Ethan.
"Ok deal," smiled Theresa.
Ethan and Theresa raised their marshmallows to each others mouths and bit into it.
Ethan watched Theresa savor her marshmallow and smiled. When she pulled back he noticed that she had some marshmallow on her and begin to laugh.
"What?" asked Theresa not sure what Ethan was laughing at.
Ethan raised his hand to her face. "You have a little marshmallow here."
The minute that Ethan touched her face he could feel the electricity between them. What was it about Theresa that made him feel this way? She was just a friends right? He loved Gwen. He moved closer almost involuntarily as he wiped off the marshmallow. He was so close that their lips were practically touching. He leaned even closer and t hen he heard his name being called from the foyer it was Gwen...The moment was lost ....

Ethan turned around at the sound of his name and let go of his past thoughts.
"Ethan I am so sorry that I am late," said Gwen giving him a kiss.
"That's ok ," said Ethan trying to regain his composer.
"Are you feeling all right you seemed miles away just not," said Gwen with deep concern.
"Not miles away just years," He said wishing once again that he had never returned to Harmony.

Luis couldn't believe how handsome his nephews were and how stubborn, Joshua was thirsty and demanded some juice. Sheridan tried to offer him some orange juice but he insisted on apple juice. And didn't budge until he got it. "Yep," thought Luis he is definitely a Lopez-Fitzgerald. Elijah for his part took the juice right away and thanked Sheridan. Luis smiled thinking that the boys may twins, but they definitely had very different personalities.
Sheridan sat in between the two boys and smiled as she watched them drink their juice. She couldn't explain it but she had an instant affection for the boys. They reminded her of somebody she just couldn't remember who.
"That Joshua sure is a bossy one," said Luis handing his sister a cup of tea.
"And curious, and fast and very, very picky," smiled Theresa. "You just wait until you have your kid. The Lopez-Fitzgerald stubbornness doesn't fall to far from the tree."

"Luis stubborn?" laughed Sheridan in mock horror. "Say it isn't so."
"Ok," laughed Luis. "Gang up on  the poor dad to be."
"Why detective I wouldn't dream of ganging up on you," smiled Sheridan.
"Detective? Asked Theresa surprised. "When did this happen."
"Not long after you left," said Luis standing up. "A lot has happened since you left town Theresa."
"I know," said Theresa looking at Luis. Her visit had been so great but she didn't fool herself into thinking that she and Luis were totally ok. She knew that he was still mad at her for leaving town the way she did.
"So Sheridan," said Theresa trying to keep the mood light "Is your family as excited about the baby as you are?"
At the mention of her family Sheridan's face dropped.
"Actually I no longer have anything to do with my family since Ethan moved to Europe."
The sound of Ethan's name made Theresa's heart skip a beat. She often wondered what had happened to him. She had come up with all sorts of scenarios but she never allowed herself to really try to find out what had become of the man that she still loved so deeply.
"Ethan is in Europe?" asked Theresa trying to sound as neutral as possible.
"Yeah him and Gwen Hotchkiss moved their about a year ago," said Luis trying to make sure that Theresa knew that Ethan had moved on.
"Oh," said Theresa smiling bravely. Nothing that Luis could have said would have hurt her more. It was true what everyone had always said. Gwen was Ethan's destiny and she was just a diversion. Well Gwen may have Ethan but Theresa had his children. Something that Gwen would never had, She still remember the day when Ethan told her that Gwen was infertile. It was after her miscarriage and Ethan had recommitted himself to her out of guilt. He showed up at her door for comfort disheveled and heartbroken. He was so sad at the thought of never having children. Of course Theresa had known at the time that she was pregnant with his child but she couldn't bring herself to tell him. It was the last time that she saw him
"I'm glad that Ethan is doing so well," lied Theresa looking at the children that he would never know were his. "I guess he got the life that he always wanted.
