Theresa tied her hair back before going downstairs the next morning to breakfast.

"Morning." Miguel greeted.

"Hi.  Where's Kay?"

"She took the boys to the park with Grace and Dr. Russell."

"She didn't have to do that."

"Kay thought you could use a break." Miguel said as he set a plate down in front of his sister.  "And besides I wanted to talk to you."

"What about?"

"What happened four years ago."

"Miguel do we have to?"

"Yeah we do."


"Because you've been holding in all your anger."

"No I haven't.  You should see my punching bag.  It's very well worn."


"And I saw a therapist for a while."

"You did?"

"Yeah.  After the boys were born.  I wasn't crazy or anything I just needed someone to talk to and you and Luis were out of the question.  Especially Luis."

"But why was I out of the question?"

"You had enough stuff going on in your own life with finding out that Kay was in love with you and Charity deciding to enter a convent after Tabitha died and it supposedly being her fault.  I just couldn't see calling you up and telling you my problems."

"I wish you had.  I probably could've used the distraction."

Theresa smiled.  "You know I've been thinking that the boys and I could use our own place."

"Why?  We love having you here."

"You and Kay are newlyweds.  The last thing you need is me and two kids cramping your style although I think having Eli and Josh is giving Kay ideas."

"Me too." Miguel admitted.

"See?  You two need to adjust to being married first and then you can start thinking about having kids."

"Yeah maybe you're right.  So what kind of house are you looking for?"

"I'm not sure.  Maybe Reese could help me?"

"I could call him."

"That would be great."

"Lemme go give him a ring."

"I'll clean up the kitchen."

"Thanks." Miguel said as he left the kitchen and Theresa started to clean up.

"It's great to see you again Theresa."

"Thanks Reese." Theresa said as she and Miguel sat in Reese's office.

"So what exactly are you looking for?"

"A place of my own really."

"I can understand that.  Anything specific?"

"Something with a lot of land."

"My sister the land owner." Miguel cracked.

"Funny." Theresa said.

"Well there's not a lot of houses with land in Harmony except for the ones on and around Raven Hill."

"Forget it Reese.  Theresa can't afford stuff like that."

"Well actually there is one she might be able to afford."

"Which one?"

"Remember the Barrymore estate?"

"Didn't that place burn down?"

"The main house but not the renovated carriage house, which has a three car garage and office on the first floor and the second floor houses a three bedroom apartment.  Lots of land and it's going pretty cheaply.  The people who inherited it didn't want it so the put it on the market immediately.  The frame of the original house still exists so if you ever want to rebuild it you won't have to start from scratch."


"What do you say?"

"Let's go take a look."

"I still can't believe you're gonna take it."

"Why not?  It's a great place and like Reese said it's going for a song."

"Do you really want to be living that closely to Ethan?"

"Ah but I can lock him out." Theresa said as she closed a box.

"Cute Theresa."

"Look Miguel I like the apartment and the property.  What's wrong with me living someplace I love?"



"Hey Theresa?" Kay poked her head in.

"Yeah Kay?"

"Ethan's here to see you."

"He's early." Theresa said.

"You invited him?" Miguel asked.

"Yes.  I need to talk to him about some stuff." Theresa said as she left the bedroom and went into the living room.  "Ethan?"

Ethan turned around.  "Hi."

"Thanks for coming alone."

"No problem. So what's up?"

"Well two things actually.  Why don't you sit down?" Theresa motioned to the couch as she sat in an armchair.

"Am I gonna like this?"

"I hope so.  The first thing is the boys and I are moving."

"The hell you are!"

"Ethan calm down we're just moving into a house not out of Harmony."

"Oh," said Ethan letting out a sigh of relief.

"Its ok we are all on edge here."

Ethan noticed how uncomfortable his outburst had made Theresa and he moved closer to her outting his hand on hers. "Its ok Resa. This will all work out you'll see."

"Of course it will," said Theresa not believeing it for a minute.