"Go ahead Ethan, explain." Theresa said coldly. The pain inside
of her was
still new and fresh. 'It was his time to suffer', was all she could
"I know what I did, may seem stupid to you. But really I was thinking
how much I didn't love Gwen anymore, and how much I love having you
as my
girlfriend. I mean, with you everything is lively, fresh and new. It's
I'm in a whole different world, where nothing can go wrong, because
standing right next to me. And I love that feeling. I love knowing
that your
going to give me that grand smile of yours and my life will seem complete.
love you" I say truthfully. Yet somehow In Theresa's eyes, I know all
not forgotten.
"Ethan, I can forgive you, and I do love you, thats what makes this
I've already forgiven you, yet I haven't and won't forget what you
Don't try and make yourself love me. Make it happen naturally. I don't
forced love, I want your love." She said so peacefully, as in a dream
sequence. She seemed not affected by anything yet dazed. "I can't forget."
Was all she said before she left again.
"Well Theresa, if thats how you want it, I'll just have to prove I
do love
you" Ethan said softly as he watched her walk away.
The next morning Theresa awoke to find a dozen roses sitting on her
sill in a silver vase. She admired them for a moment before taking
them into
her room. She sighed...."Why does he have to make this so difficult."
said as she read the card. It just simply stated, 'I do love you--Ethan'.
New tears immediatley followed. Her heart was breaking again, she knew
had to wait, wait for him to follow his heart.
Meanwhile, Ethan sat in his room, staring out his window. Remembering
short time he and Theresa had been together, together and happy. Somehow
now, his thoughts minginling in his head, things became suddenly became
clearer. To win Theresa back, he had to do more than physical possesions,
like roses. He had to mentally prove that she was meant for him,
and he was
meant for her.
"Oh my god," Sheridan exclaimed before she started laughing.
"Were we here the whole night?" Luis asked grogily. Beggining to awake.
"I guess so." Sheridan said. The night before had been so wonderful
for the
both of them. Luis had forgotten all together that she was a Crane.
couldn't believe they shared the same blood. She was human not Crane.
That night, they had both ate, laughed, and had a tickle war. Seems
were both very tickelish. Yet somehow they both crashed, and fell asleep
together, fully clothed onto Sheridan's couch.
Sheridan got up from the couch, and started walking towards her room,
tripping on one of the pillows.
"Hey where are you going?" Luis asked opening one eye.
Sheridan laughed at his squinting to see her. "I'm going to go kill
this cat
on my head." She said. Referring to her messed up hair.
"you know, I happen to think that you look absolutley gorgeous right
He said smiling up at her.
"You are just so sweet, you know that Luis," She went over and kissed
"But I still want to go freshen up, then why don't we get some breakfast?"
She asked him.
"Sounds like a plan, I think i'll just sneak home quickly and get changed
and then we'll go, Ok?" He asked.
"Ok sure." Sheridan said as she left the room and went into her room
to get
dressed.'I can't believe how right things feel at this moment. I feel
like I'm
walking on cloud # 9 , and nothing can burst my bubble of happiness.'
thoughts invaded her mind, as she couldn't stop smiling while getting
Luis slipped into his house unnoticed, seeing how nobody was in the
kitchen...yet. He crept upstairs and was about to enter his room, when
heared crying coming from Theresa's room.::knock knock::
"come in" Theresa said getting under her covers of her bed.
"Hey, whats wrong lil' sis?" Luis asked solomnly.
"Oh Luis, I just screwed up my whole life with Ethan, and now I think
over." Theresa went on to explain her whole situation to Luis.
"Well, all I can say is, if its meant to be, between you and Ethan,
he'll truly show you how he loves you. In your heart, you'll know he's
it all for love. His love for you." Luis said
"Thanks Luis, you've made me feel better. Thanks alot." Theresa said
Luis a hug."Bye" He said as he left to go get ready.
Theresa had also gotten ready and gotten dressed. She decided to take
a nice
long walk. Some how she just had to walk. She needed to. All of a sudden
found herself at her and Ethan's spot. In the mountains looking over
Harmony. Where everything looked so perfect, even though it wasn't.
Ethan had a feeling. He had to find Theresa, and he had a good feeling
to find her. So he drove to their spot. Sure enough he did find her
Sitting alone, thinking. She turned around to look at the car with
a smile
on her face. She knew why he came. He came because he loved her. She
knew it.
Ethan got out of his car, also smiling, went up to her and kissed her.
Without saying a word to her. In that kiss their souls connected, they
intwined with each other."How did you know I would be here?" Theresa
asked him
"I had a feeling" He said. They then hugged, and he walked her back
to his car.
The end! For now...maybe. I dunno.
Tell me if you think I should continue it, or stop here, or whatever!!
Please please Please Feedback!!!
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