His Old Flame

Travis Schuldt's (Ethan) resume boasts an unusaual talent: fire-eating." My freshman year in college, we took a stage-combat class," says Shuldt. "My acting teacher's friend-- he use to work in the circus-- is also a stunt guy. So as an added bonus, he came in, taught us how to balance on a pipe and a board and then juggle, he also taughtr us fire-eating." Did Travis ever torch his tongue? "It just kind of singes," he reveals. "It look so dangerous, but once you are aware and you understand and someone is coaching yoy, you kind of just say, 'okay.' But I wouldn't advise kids to do it at homr." talk about your ice-breakers (or melters.) "It's one of those things that you put on your resume so people go, 'Fire-eating?' It got a lot of people's attention."

Soap Opera Digest
October 12, 1999

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