1) The First Meeting
"You Don't Need A Sweater to Impress a Guy You Need Professional Help"
What Has Gone on Before: Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald dreams of marrying the handsome and rich Ethan Crane. Although she has only seen Ethan in magazines a chance meeting at a carnival begins the couple down the path of true love.
The Memorable Moment: Ethan and Theresa are standing next to each other at the carnival each preoccupied with their own thoughts. Theresa, who is to busy staring at a picture of Ethan to pay attention to what she is doing, accidentally spills a bucket of blue paint on a furious Ethan.
Why the Moment is Memorable: Besides being the first meeting between the duo this sets up the pattern of nervous behavior on Theresa's part that leads Ethan to believe that she is stalking him!
"She Walks In Beauty Like The Night"
What Has Gone on Before: Theresa is growing tired of hiding from Ethan who still thinks she is stalking him. Theresa decides to come clean and tell Ethan the truth. She follows him imto the chicken shack and prepares to reveal herself.
The Memorable Moment: Theresa is about to tell Ethan the truth when he tells her not to say a word. he then begins to recite a poem to her giving Theresa hope. Therea is later devestated when she finds out that the poem was meant for Gwen.
Why the Moment is Memorable: This is another instance where Ethan's subconscious is drawn to Theresa. Ethan wants to recite the peom, but can't remeber it. As soon as Ethan looks into Theresa's eyes the words of love come to him and he is able to recite the poem.